- from raw spectra to biomarkers, patterns, functions and systems biology
Data Policy
Server: Due to increasing computing cost associated with large data submissions, the public platform is hosted in our local server at the McGill Data Center.
You may experience some downtime associated with the maintenance schedule of the center.
Data: Your data will be stored in a temporary folder on our server during data analysis. They will be removed automatically by our data cleaning routine within 72 hours.
For raw data processing jobs, the data may stay longer on our server as they may be queued for analysis
Privacy: The names of temporary folders are created randomly and the folders will be destroyed automatically. We only access your data based on your requests
for troubleshooting (especially for raw data processing). In the near future, we intend to record data characteristics (summary statistics) and associated workflows
as part of our research on big data analytics. This is similar to Google Analytics, but more specific to our omics platform.
Support: the public platform is maintained based on our spare time and subject to the resources available. We do offer other options
Training: 30+ hours of omics data science training course
Pro tools: a cloud-based platform with features on project management, workflow creation, report generation and AI co-pilot to improve productivity.
Local installation: ideal for large groups and companies with very large data and strict policies