Samples can be in either rows or columns. Both sample or feature names must be unique and consist of a combination of common English letters, underscores and numbers for naming purpose. Latin/Greek letters are not supported. The class labels must immediately follow sample names. Please visit our Data Formats page for more details.
Users need to upload a zipped folder containing data files from different groups under study (one file per spectrum and one sub-folder for each group). The class labels will be based on the sub-folder names. Please visit our Data Formats page for more details.
From the mzTab file, the feature names will either be the "chemical_name" or the "theoretical_neutral_mass". If too many of these feature names are missing however, the feature names will be "SML_ID".
Please enter a valid Study ID to upload the preferred dataset. Browse here ( to view all studies from the Metabolomics Workbench. Note that only studies with a named metabolite dataset such as study ST000017 will be able to be uploaded.
Please upload the original XLSX datasheets from Metabolon directly without any editing or conversion. Note that there are three sheets (Chemical Annotation, Sample Meta Data and Peak Area Data) required to proceed.
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